The Bags are now on Ebay

I guess you never know who would like to buy our bags. We'll see what happens.

Working for the man.

Some may say I am "compelled" by Apple products. So I decided, If a company can create quality, compelling products, why not work for them. Besides, it's another way to feed my addiction to Steve Jobs. He's the man. I've realized the most difficult job I will have is getting my paycheck out of the Apple store and to our adoption bank account.

It's a Family Thing.

In August this year the Kyle boys did something we haven't done in quite a while. We went 4-Wheeling, and there wasn't one International Scout. After a few months of wrenching on my Dad's Jeep we took it to Wheeler lake outside of Breckenridge for it's maiden voyage. It defiantly kicked my jeeps butt. Here is the pic I made for my Dad's birthday, better late than never.


Have you ever found yourself thinking twice about a decision? or had to apologize for a poor decision? or made an irrational decision? The struggle between right and wrong in our minds is a constant battle, only being relieved through justification or conviction. Many people disagree with truth or the legitimacy of the bible but, outside of the religious-political charge of our society, the principles are strong. And of course, any principle taken to an extreme can be dangerous. Strong principles leads to conviction. The word conviction may sound judicial, unforgiving or law-breaking to you. To me conviction is freedom. Because once you feel conviction that is born out of love and not born out of legalism you recognize you are living for a purpose bigger than yourself. Conviction from a legalistic, or can we say religious, epicenter breeds false actions. We are not called to follow blindly but to act with intentions that are legitimized through our everyday faith. Radical conversions are fun to talk about, dream about and pray for as long as the faith they converted to last longer than the story. I hope I am being converted everyday, so my conversion story will take years to tell.

I hope my story is about the people I affected, not the church services I attended.

I hope it's deeper than Sunday mornings. The Catechism. By-laws. Rituals. and the like.

I hope it's about saving lives and not about my volunteer hours.

I hope it's about my willingness to accept and understand people and not about my judgment of people.

I hope it's about following my convictions and not about following a religious leader.

Be Inspired.

Life is often times sucky. We have all been there, heard about it and can't always get out of it. After a cigar and a few beers tonight I figured we, as a whole, live our lives un-inspired. And when we do live inspired it's the inspiration that comes from ourselves, which leaves us feeling empty. The inspiration that wakes us in the morning and keeps us up at night comes from other people and our belief in God and His providence in our lives. It might be a simple hello or deep conversation, a feeling of peace or the urge for much needed confrontation of a difficult situation, either way inspiration starts with us, ends with us and also has nothing to do with us. As I drift into a slumber tonight I feel inspired. I am inspired by the friends and family who, through financial support and encouragement, have decided to follow our conviction to adopt. I am inspired by the Jr. High team that drove an hour and a half to lose two games. I am inspired by humans embracing life, death and the adventure in between. Who will inspire you? Who will you inspire.

And we're off....

Becky and I have embarked on the adventure of a lifetime, adoption. The years, months and days ahead will be forever a classroom for us to learn about ourselves, a new culture and love as we have never experienced. We have just started raising money for our lifelong mission trip and need your help. The value of adopting a child deepens when people join together to give him an extended "family" of love, prayer, and support. We invite you to reach across the world and into a child's heart as we raise $25,000 to accomplish this mission. Here are 3 ways you can help.

Way #1: Let my wife take your picture! She loves to photograph families, seniors, children, couples, and events and is offering her services for a donation to our adoption fund. Learn more here.

Way #2: Purchase our re-usable grocery bags. Purchase below

Bag Quantities

Way #3: Donate